Here are some failure methods I did:
- F8 (safe mode) button, F9, F12 (Hard Disk booting), cd room - failed,
- Reset CMOS BIOS default/optimized - still failed,
- Startup repair, system restore, windows memory diagnostic, run CMD "bcedit/set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures," replaced "current" to {deffault}, as well as igonereallfailures changed to displayallfailures - failed.
- Open the CMOS battery in order to reset the BIOS - still not working.
- Reinstall with CD also not working at all.
I thought one of hardwares were broken; cd room or computer's memory must be replaced. I try to browsing to find out windows error recovery problem directly via and there's a clue! It is recommended to remove floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, etc. But, before taking all of the hardwares off, I thought the software must be checked first, then suddenly it all worked out.
Here we go 5 easy steps for windows recovery error completion:
- First off, install the CD to install windows 7,
- Login to CMOS (BIOS), disable the floppy disk parts, CDs or DVDs. For the first boot sets it to the hard disk, then CDs. Do not forget to save the BIOS settings before restarting the computer,
- Once inside install windows system, select all the format C files,
- Restart the computer and activate the CDs section, also turn the initial boot to CDs and Hard Disk to the next boot,
- That's it, just waiting for the install window 7 completed.
Note: Perform these 5 steps as a last resort!
Basically, it caused by some of default software or hardware was missing. It could be some viruses are inside the system or may be you have done wrong by removing one of vital software system.
If it still fails and the boot processing still errors, moreover, within any minute always starts by itself. If so, it's likely the problem in hardware system: CPU's IC, RAM, Power Supply, etc. Specially, for CPU's IC you can just busting it with a thermal paste and for the other parts of hardware replaced them would be nice option.
5 Steps Windows 7 Recovery Error
Reviewed by GptShare on
. Boot Errors! Easy ways to repair boot errors.
Rating: 4.5
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